Editorial Guidelines

Do’s and Don’ts When Submitting Editorial Content


Nutraceuticals World welcomes articles about many aspects of the market, from dietary supplements to functional foods to nutritional beverages, and everything in between. Segments covered include: manufacturing of various dosage forms (tablets, capsules, soft gels), functional foods, ingredients, and beverages; new ingredients and technologies; regulatory developments and legal issues; clinical research updates/trends; testing issues; safety and quality; formulation development; international developments; and others. Here are some pointers to consider when formulating an article for Nutraceuticals World:

• Make sure article content is relevant to the world of dietary supplements, functional foods and nutritional beverages.

• Byline and bio: The byline should include name, title, company; bio should include the same, in addition to contact information—telephone and email, if possible.

• Exclusivity: Manuscripts are reviewed with the understanding that they have not been published previously and are not under consideration for publication elsewhere, including the Internet.

• Clearances: It is the author’s responsibility to make sure that papers submitted to Nutraceuticals World have been cleared by all third parties. For example, if a paper was originally presented at a conference, it is the author’s responsibility to make sure the conference organizers have approved the paper’s publication in the magazine.

• Shameless Self-Promotion: Papers MUST be non-commercial in nature.

• Editing: All accepted manuscripts are subject to copy editing. In cases where space is limited, the magazine reserves the right to cut material as it sees fit. In the case where references must be cut, we will provide this phrase at the end of the article: “References furnished upon request.”

• Things To Avoid: The second easiest way to get your manuscript tossed is to use cliché phrases, such as: “Win-win relationship” and “Communication is key.”

• Acronyms: Spell out the first usage of an acronym, and place the acronym in parentheses after it. For example, “NBTY recently submitted a New Dietary Ingredient (NDI) application for “Ginkox” to FDA. The NDI paves the way for the marketing of the ingredient in the U.S.” Exceptions include: FDA, USDA, FTC, EU, UK, US —these terms are use with great frequency in the magazine so readers are already familiar…no need to spell out.

• Electronic Submissions: Send a Word document by e-mail to Sean Moloughney, editor. Attach extension names to files: “.docx” for Word documents, “.xls” for Excel sheets.

• Make sure you have something substantive to add to the ongoing conversation about the dietary supplement, functional food and nutritional beverage industries.

• Illustrations: Photographs, line drawings, and other illustrations may be in color or black and white and should be referred to in the text in sequence: Figure 1, Figure 2, etc. Electronic images should be 300 DPI, in one of the following formats: TIFF, JPEG, EPS. Colors should be set to CMYK.

• Trademark, copyright, registration marks and related symbols will not be published in the article.

• Article lengths vary by subject but as a general rule, articles should not exceed 2000 words.

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