Brand Description
“At Nordic Naturals, we’re committed to delivering the world’s safest, most effective nutrients essential to health. It’s what motivates us to ensure that all our products are research supported, expertly formulated, rigorously tested, proven effective, and best of all, great tasting.”
Yearly results
Sales: NA
Number of Employees: 300
Key Products and Brands:
• Ultimate Omega
Committed to delivering safe, effective nutrients that are essential to health, Nordic Naturals is a pioneer in the vitamin, mineral and supplement market. The company’s omega-3 products are third-party tested for purity and non-GMO verified. Its fish oils are also Friend of the Sea (FOS) certified and sustainably made in a zero-waste facility powered by biofuel. The company’s Ultimate Omega brand is the No. 1 ranked omega-3formula in the U.S. according to ClearCut, Nielsen, and SPINS annual sales data.
When company founder Joar Opheim came to California from Norway to complete his MBA, he noticed the pure omega rich cod liver oil that Norwegians rely on to stay healthy was nowhere to be found. With each trip home, Opheim would fill an extra suitcase with bottles of his favorite fish oil to share with friends in the U.S.
The desire to share fresh omega-3 nutrients inspired Opheim to found Nordic Naturals in 1995. Since then, the company has expanded into other categories, including probiotics and vitamin D, offering solutions that address common health needs.
With so many dietary supplements available in the U.S., finding quality, affordable brands can be challenging and confusing for consumers, the company noted.
“Nordic Naturals’ dedication to creating supplements with high-quality ingredients is a north star in helping people achieve optimal wellness,” said Brian Terry, director of sales, retail, Nordic Naturals.
Setting Standards
As a leader in the fish oil industry, Nordic Naturals has helped redefine industry standards for purity, freshness, taste, and potency.
“Our commitment and dedication to making the highest quality products on the planet has meant safer, more effective, and better-tasting fish oil for our customers,” said Terry.
“We want to do whatever it takes to bring the health-benefits of high-quality nutrients to as many people as possible and have made that our mission,” he added. “Over time we’ve added foundational nutrients to our product line that, like omega-3s, are essential to health such as vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and probiotics.”
The company’s team of PhD research scientists work to ensure that ingredients are grounded in science and backed by clinical research. “We never cut corners and always design unique formulations of nutrients in quantities and combinations that research suggests will give customers the health outcomes they’re looking for,” said Terry.
Supplementation with Sustainable Innovation
Public education about the need for omega-3 supplementation continues to be a company priority. More than 80% of adults have deficient EPA and DHA blood levels necessary to achieve cardiovascular health benefits, according to National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) data.
“We strive to educate and bring awareness on the importance of omega-3s and how omega-3s are the building blocks to your health and wellness goals, as well as designing unique formulations of nutrients in quantities and combinations that research suggests will give customers the health outcomes they’re looking for,” Terry said.
The company puts the consumer at the center of product innovation as well, he noted, with insights and testing to ensure unmet consumer needs are addressed. “AI is a lever Nordic Naturals uses to help hone in on those insights quickly to adapt any research and development,” said Terry.
Sustainability is another key focus at Nordic Naturals, he added. “We put a lot of effort into considering how we can continue to make the very best products available while also continuing to lessen our environmental impact,” said Terry. “We only work with
fisheries that are certified sustainable by Friend of the Sea, an internationally recognized, nonprofit organization whose mission is to conserve the global marine habitat. We also use recyclable packaging wherever possible in shipping our products.”
Retail Expansion
In 2023 Nordic Naturals expanded its retail partnership with Walmart.
“The majority of Americans don’t know they need omega-3 supplements, don’t have access to quality omega-3s, and certainly don’t have the grocery budget to afford the minimum omega-3 requirements sourced through food,” said Terry. “We believe everyone should have access to affordable, high-quality omega-3 supplements, which is why our partnership with Walmart is so important to our mission.”
The company also inked a deal with Sam’s Club to distribute its Ultimate Omega and Algae Omega supplements.
“This is an important step for us to join forces with Sam’s Club stores and provide their shoppers with our premium high quality omega-3 supplements,” said Terry. “This partnership not only expands our retail footprint, but also aligns perfectly with our mission to make quality omega-3 supplements more accessible and affordable.”
Coastal Cleanup
In September this year, Nordic Naturals participated in the 40th Annual California Coastal Cleanup, led by the California Coastal Commission. This annual event aims to protect and enhance California’s coast and ocean for present and future generations.
Volunteers pick up trash from California’s coasts and inland waterways while recording the types of trash they find. This data helps policymakers and the public make informed decisions about reducing plastic production and pollution. To date, Coastal Cleanup Day has successfully diverted millions of pounds of plastic debris from the ocean and shoreline.
“This event aligned perfectly with Nordic’s commitment to our values of environmental stewardship and sustainable practices,” said Amy Mirialakis, director of sales at Nordic
“In an effort to get more hands on with our mission, we used the event to unite our team and key retailer partners to take part in this important beach cleanup initiative.”