
Addressing Mobility Concerns in the Era of Healthy Aging

Brands have an opportunity to educate consumers and deliver preventive solutions.

Mobility has a significant impact on overall health, but it is a component of wellbeing that consumers don’t necessarily prioritize in the way they have other aspects of health in the last few years.

There are a few factors at play here, including consumers taking a reactive rather than proactive approach to mobility, a lack of research into what consists of good mobility, and a sense that declining mobility is an inevitability of aging.

An Understanding of Mobility Issues

Over the last two years, consumers have become more aware of how different aspects of health can impact overall wellbeing. They recognize how diet and exercise can affect the body’s ability to fight infection and are taking a more proactive approach to health and boosting the immune system.

However, mobility is an aspect of wellbeing that consumers haven’t paid as much attention to despite a considerable proportion of people stating they have concerns about their mobility health.

For example, FMCG Gurus consumer insights found that 41% of global consumers wish to address their energy levels; this suggests that people are focusing on short-term issues within the mobility market, and there is an opportunity for brands to encourage a long-term view on mobility issues.

It is also worth noting that while globally 71% of consumers say they are satisfied with their levels of mobility, many also state that they are suffering from a variety of mobility-related issues. This shows that consumers may not fully understand the wider context of mobility and associate mobility with the basic notion of being able to get around.

When asked to think about the word “mobility,” 92% of global consumers associated mobility with being able to walk freely and easily, whereas only 56% stated they associated mobility with being free from aches and pains.

There is an opportunity for the industry to educate and change the way consumers view their mobility.

FMCG Gurus consumer insights found that 87% of consumers attribute poor mobility to aging. However, there is a recognition that reduced mobility can be self-inflicted through poor posture, weight gain, and lack of exercise.

With only 50% of consumers stating that good dietary habits can help maintain good levels of mobility, the food and drink industry needs to do more to promote active ingredient claims and highlight the link between diet and good mobility health. Additionally, more can be done to encourage consumers to take a more active approach to improve and maintain mobility due to the impact this has on other areas of wellbeing such as sleep health, cognitive health, and immunity.

How Can Mobility Issues Be Addressed?

As many consumers state problems with multiple aspects of their mobility, it is important to find ways to address and combat this. About 48% of global consumers say they regularly suffer from tiredness and fatigue. Especially with the increased uncertainty of recent years, an inability to relax and sleep is something that many people struggle with.

Consumers struggling with their mobility state that problems are ongoing and long-term. This suggests there is a degree of acceptance among consumers in regard to their mobility health. The industry should do more to make consumers aware that poor mobility does not have to be something they accept by promoting products that can aid with sleep health and how simple diet changes can impact overall mobility.

Although consumers are less likely to attribute poor mobility to their diet in comparison to other factors, many do recognize how their diet can impact mobility. FMCG Gurus consumer insights found that when making changes to their diets to address their mobility, 87% of people have increased their fruit intake and 85% have increased their protein intake.

Consumers see protein and calcium as ingredients that aid mobility; therefore, the dairy and sports nutrition markets have an opportunity to capitalize on the need for mobility products while educating consumers on why an increase in such ingredients is beneficial to overall wellbeing. Brands should actively promote the importance of long-term health and should look to highlight how improving different aspects of mobility can impact overall wellbeing.

As consumers seek out products to aid their mobility health, it is important that information is readily and easily available for them to make an informed decision when purchasing products. Consumers will want to see science-led claims on the products they are consuming as reassurance that such products are beneficial to their health.

Additionally, with an increased concentration on health and protecting the environment, many consumers seek products with natural and authentic ingredients that they know and trust. Brands should ensure labelling is streamlined and clear to provide information that can encourage consumers to address mobility.

This article is based on FMCG Gurus – Mobility survey series for 2022. For more information, contact, info@fmcggurus.com

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