
TGA Approves Setria Glutathione in Australia

Setria Glutathione is now available after Australia’s Therapeutics Goods Administration (TGA) approved it for use “as a therapeutically active ingredient in adults.” Glutathione was approved and listed within the Therapeutic Goods (Listing) Notice 2014 (No. 5) – F2014L01277

Kyowa Hakko’s Setria Glutathione will be exclusivity distributed in Australia by Trans Chem, a biotech specialist that sources and imports fine chemicals to Australian manufacturers. TGA approval of Setria Glutathione was received in October, after a milestone clinical trial of the master antioxidant showed positive results, which were published in the European Journal of Nutrition. Setria meets the current United States Pharmacopeial (USP) Convention Standards and is available as a dietary supplement in the United States, Canada, Mexico, and select countries in Europe and Asia.

Glutathione is a potent and natural antioxidant that is obtained two ways: from the food and as part of the body’s internal production. For many reasons including age, health conditions, lifestyle, environment, and certain medications, the body’s stores of glutathione may be in shorty supply.

Kyowa Hakko uses a patented fermentation technology to manufacture a pure form of Setria Glutathione. Called nature’s “master antioxidant,” Setria glutathione replenishes the body’s stores helping to protect cells from oxidative stress and harmful toxins associated with free radicals.

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