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GOED Presents Educational Infographic on Omega-3s

Consumer-friendly infographic explains the facts about omega-3 deficiency in the U.S. and their importance for heart health.

More consumers are aware of omega-3s, yet the majority of Americans are not get a sufficient amount in their diets. In addition, there is a lack of consciousness as to how critical EPA and DHA are for heart health. To help address this concern, the Global Organization for EPA and DHA Omega-3s (GOED) has developed a consumer-friendly educational infographic that explains the facts about omega-3 deficiency in the U.S. and the importance of omega-3s for keeping hearts healthy. 
Developed in conjunction with GOED’s Communications Committee, the infographic is designed to show consumers why omega-3s are important for overall health.
The infographic is now available on GOED’s website and the AlwaysOmega3s consumer website as well as through the Omega-3 Coalition’s social media platforms.

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