Health E-Insights

An interview with Dr. Stephen Sinatra

Stephen T. Sinatra, MD, FACC, is a board-certified cardiologist and certified psychotherapist with 40 years of clinical experience treating, preventing and reversing heart disease.

Stephen T. Sinatra, MD, FACC, is a board-certified cardiologist and certified psychotherapist with 40 years of clinical experience treating, preventing and reversing heart disease. He is also certified in anti-aging medicine and nutrition. In his practice, Dr. Sinatra’s focus has been integrating conventional medical treatments for heart disease with complementary nutritional, anti-aging and psychological therapies to counteract the inflammation and plaque processes that cause heart attacks and strokes. He is a Fellow of the American College of Cardiology, an assistant clinical professor of medicine at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine, and a former chief of cardiology and medical education at Manchester (Connecticut) Memorial Hospital. A prolific author, Dr. Sinatra has written numerous books, including The Great Cholesterol Myth (Fair Winds Press, 2012), Reverse Heart Disease Now (Wiley, 2008), The Sinatra Solution: Metabolic Cardiology (Basic Health Publications, 3rd ed., 2011), Lower Your Blood Pressure in Eight Weeks (Ballantine Books, 2003), Heart Sense for Women (LifeLine Press, 2000), Heartbreak & Heart Disease (Keats, 1999) and Earthing: The Most Important Health Discovery Ever? (Basic Health Publications, 2010). He is also the host of the Internet’s leading integrative cardiology website for the public,

Health E-Insights: Is money the reason doctors prescribe so many cholesterol drugs? 
Dr. Sinatra: Generally, I don’t believe so, but I have met a few cardiologists who own pharmaceutical stock and always used their drugs.

Health E-Insights: As most doctors do not have training in good nutrition and supplements, would you agree it’s difficult for them to provide recommendations in this area? 
Dr. Sinatra: Absolutely. When a doctor is not privy to nutritional information or supplements, they feel uncomfortable in recommending them. They are much more comfortable recommending pharmaceuticals despite the fact that they can cause enormous side effects. That is their training.

Health E-Insights: Should we be looking at healthy arteries vs. cholesterol? 
Dr. Sinatra: Sure. Why treat high cholesterol when previous studies have demonstrated perfectly clear glistening arteries. It doesn’t make sense to treat a number especially in the absence of any arteriosclerotic disease.

Health E-Insights: What are the basics people should do to enhance their heart health?
Dr. Sinatra: Reduction in stress and tension is key. Utilization of techniques to attenuate mind/body stress such as yoga, Pilates, tai chi, meditation, etc. is recommended. A non-inflammatory Mediterranean diet encompassing organic and free-range as much as possible; some form of exercise at least 30 minutes a day; awareness to reduce the toxic profile in the body (i.e., insecticides, pesticides, heavy metals, phthalates, strict avoidance of trans-fats and sugars in the diet). Earthing to support heart rate variability as well as thin the blood at the same time; targeted nutritional supplements, including a multivitamin/mineral program, 1 gram of omega 3 oils per day—utilizing a metabolic cardiology approach—incorporating CoEnzyme Q10, L-carnitine, magnesium and d-ribose to support energy substrates in the heart.

Health E-Insights: Is there a golden health rule by which you live? 
Dr. Sinatra: I incorporate all of the basics as noted here in my health routine. I eat predominately a non-inflammatory diet—80% plant based. I exercise daily by usually walking. I take the targeted supplements mentioned earlier and use discernment for detoxification, especially the avoidance of RF (radiofrequency) and EMF (electromagnetic fields) as much as possible.

Health E-Insights: If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? 
Dr. Sinatra: My driven nature, time urgency and a better ability to take in love. 

Sheldon Baker is well known for creating nutraceutical brand marketing and public relations campaigns. For Health E-Insights interview consideration, contact him at And follow him on Twitter @NutraInk.

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