Suzanne Somers is one of America’s most popular and beloved personalities. In a multifaceted career spanning more than three decades, she has achieved extraordinary success as an actress, singer, comedienne, New York Times bestselling author, Las Vegas Entertainer of the Year, entrepreneur and lecturer. She is also the voice and face of alternative medicine. Her latest book, BOMBSHELL: Explosive Medical Secrets That Will Redefine Aging (May 2012; Crown Archetype) was an immediate New York Times bestseller. On her weekly Lifetime Network talk show, “The SUZANNE Show,” premiering this month, she will provide a thought-provoking morning show alternative with in-depth information on health and wellness in a casual, entertaining format.
Health E-Insights: What is your health status today?
Ms. Somers: My health is excellent. Better than I ever imagined possible at any age. Sickness and poor health are not inevitable, but it’s necessary to be proactive and take the steps to wellness in order to not succumb to the diseases and conditions that are killing people today. Because of my work with doctors and scientists, I have access to cutting-edge health information that I follow as though my life depends on it, which I believe it does.
Health E-Insights: What role do supplements play in your life?
Ms. Somers: Supplements are essential to put back what is missing from our food and soil. The planet has changed. No longer can we depend on getting sufficient nutrition from our food supply, even organic food, which is always the best choice. It’s a simple concept—nutrition is the body’s “fuel.” Why are we content to put inferior “fuel” into our bodies? I take a lot of supplements determined by lab work, which shows my deficiencies. I get ridiculed for taking so many, but the proof is in my health and energy. I have a spring in my step, I am not sick or fatigued, and I look forward to each day after having had eight hours of sleep. Supplements, as with bio-identicals, in essence, “fill the tank.” They fill in the gap created by lack of nutrition in our food supply and the toxins that sadly have taken our beautiful air and water and contaminated these essential ingredients for life.
Health E-Insights: In addition to your own supplement line, what other supplements do you use?
Ms. Somers: Life Extension makes excellent quality supplements and they don’t skimp on the good stuff. Their supplements are backed by research and a true desire to live longer and healthier.
Health E-Insights: What is the focus of your new Lifetime Network show?
Ms. Somers: I am passionately involved in healthcare, music, entertainment, lifestyle and family. That’s the show. The Suzanne Show is “me,” my interests and my passions, from new ways to achieve optimal health, to my friends and interests. I will present the doctors who impress me with their ability to understand the changing planet and how to live a long time with health…true health. My famous friends also will visit me. One day it might by my best friend Barry Manilow, one day famed futurist, Ray Kurzweil, one day Chris Botti, or fashion icon Tom Ford. I will give all my guests, whether they are doctors, scientists, professionals or entertainers, an opportunity to speak and tell us why they are passionate about their particular areas of expertise. There will also be a “tech-y” segment for all the women—myself included—who are hanging on by a thread to understand the potential of their computers. My “tech” guy happens to be real cute and knowledgeable, and I’m not just saying that because he is my son, Bruce Somers.
Health E-Insights: What can viewers expect to learn from watching the show?
Ms. Somers: Hopefully, they’ll look at me, a 65-year-old “hot” woman and want what I have in the way of health, energy and sexuality. A healthy person is a sexual person. No sick person wants or is capable of being sexual. Sexuality is a language from the body saying in essence: “all is well.” Superb health is the greatest of all gifts. Nothing else really matters if you don’t have optimal health. Look around you. Who are the people you would never trade places with—people who are sick. My books, lectures and TV appearances all say the same thing: Health is a choice and you are in control of your health and how you age. My show will teach my viewers how and why to live a glamorous, upbeat, energetic, informed and sexy life. What’s not to like?
Sheldon Baker is well known for creating nutraceutical brand marketing and public relations campaigns. For Health E-Insights interview consideration, contact him at And follow him on Twitter @NutraInk.