
BLIS K12 Found to Support Oral Hygiene

Study finds the probiotic reduces the severity of halitosis in children.

Blis Technologies and Stratum Nutrition presented a new clinical study on the effects of oral-cavity probiotic, BLIS K12 (Streptococcus salivarius K12), on the reduction of halitosis in children.  The study was published in Oral Health & Preventive Dentistry and supports previous research showing BLIS K12’s benefits for oral malodor, [Burton et al. J Appl Microbiol, 2006].
This randomized, controlled clinical trial was conducted by Jamali et al (Faculty of Dentistry, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences) on 208 male and female children between the ages of 6 and 9 years and exhibiting mild-to-strong oral malodor, as recorded by experienced examiners. The children did not have compromised oral health, and were otherwise healthy.
The children were divided into four groups (n=52 each), with each group assigned a designated degree of oral hygiene: Group A, conventional (brushing/flossing) oral hygiene (COH); Group B, COH plus tongue scraping (TS); Group C, COH,TS plus chlorhexidine wash (CHX); Group D, COH, TS, CHX, plus BLIS K12 probiotic (1 slow-dissolving tablet daily containing >1 x 109 colony forming units). Malodor was assessed using the organoleptic test (OLT), considered as the gold standard for measuring bad breath. The OLT assessment was taken for all groups at one week and three months after the initiation of the interventions.
The investigators reported that children in Group D demonstrated superior OLT scores at the 1-week (vs Groups A and B; P<0.001) and 3-month (vs Groups A, B, and C; P˜0.02) follow-up examinations. Group D had a clinically meaningful number of participants (78%) showing major and moderate levels of improvement in OLT scores, compared to Groups A (20%), B (43%) and C (45%) at the 3-month follow-up. Overall, parental satisfaction regarding their child’s halitosis was 91% for Group D, which reflected an approximate 96% subject response rate (slight-to-major improvements in OLT score). This study is consistent with earlier research performed in adults, and supports the consideration of S. salivarius K12 following oral disinfection as a complimentary approach for longer-term control of oral malodor.
Dr. Joseph L. Evans, Executive Manager Research & Development, Stratum Nutrition, comments on the study: “Using the gold standard assessment of oral malodor, a study design that more closely approximates real-world protocols recommended by dentists, and a clinically meaningful group size, the investigators have found that add-on supplementation with BLIS K12 significantly reduced oral malodor, to varying degrees, in virtually every child. While a broad-spectrum, anti-bacterial mouthwash might exhibit a short-term benefit for oral malodor in selected individuals, chronic use is not recommended as it increases the risk of side effects, likely alters the composition of the oral bacterial microbiome, and apparently loses efficacy, as reported in this study.”
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