
BLIS K12 Offers Support for Kids with Recurrent Tonsillitis

Results showed 88% of children in the treatment group did not experience recurrent tonsillitis.

Blis Technologies and Stratum Nutrition presented details from a new publication in the journal Therapeutics and Clinical Risk Management, demonstrating the efficacy of the oral probiotic BLIS K12 (Streptococcus salivarius) in preventing pharyngo-tonsillar infections, or recurrent tonsillitis, in children.
For this single-center, interventional-observational, independent study, 130 children with a history of GABHS (group A beta-hemolytic streptococci) infections were evaluated— 76 of which were enrolled in a 90-day program requiring a once-a-day dose of a lozenge with BLIS K12 the remaining 54 children served as the control group receiving no probiotic. Each subject was monitored for the occurrence of GABHS pharyngo-tonsillitis for at least 12 months following their entry into the study.
Results showed that 88% of the treatment group experienced no pharyngo-tonsillar infections compared to only 22% of the untreated group. Even 9 months after the use of BLIS K12 had been stopped, the development of new pharyngo-tonsillitis infections was significantly lower when compared to the period before treatment. The results from this study are supportive of previous studies conducted on BLIS K12, where prophylactic administration of BLIS K12 to children with a history of recurrent oral streptococcal infection resulted in clinically meaningful reductions in the episodes of both streptococcal and viral infections, along with concomitant reductions in the number of days using an antibiotic and days absent from school.
Dr. Joseph Evans, executive manager of research & development for Stratum Nutrition, Blis Technologies’ North American distributor, commented, “Streptococcus salivarius BLIS K12 has once again demonstrated its clinically meaningful efficacy and unchallenged safety profile in a population whose only other current option for supporting their throat health is an antibiotic. As we enter the era of personalized nutrition, the stage is set for Streptococcus salivarius BLIS K12 to benefit those children and adults who desire a natural approach to optmize their oral and throat health.”
Blis Technologies chief executive Brian Watson said this trial adds to the steadily building body of evidence coming in from around the world backing the efficacy of Streptococcus salivarius BLIS K12.  “There is clearly a deep shift in thinking about how personal and population health is managed, particularly around the microbiome, and that shift is impacting demand for these products.”
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