Products & Ingredients, Research

Metabiotic Supplement Associated with Improved Metabolic Health Markers in Three Studies

Stellar Biotics’ Del-Immune V Defense was the subject of three studies on people with type 2 diabetes, MASLD, and NAFLD.

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Stellar Biotics has announced the results of three clinical studies which provide evidence that Del-Immune V Defense, a metabiotic supplement, may benefit people with metabolic disorders, including type 2 diabetes and metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease (MASLD).

The three studies, completed earlier this year, involved subjects with type 2 diabetes, MASLD, or non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), who were treated with the metabiotic. Metabiotics, as defined by Stellar Biotics, are components left over after deactivating bacteria that offer health benefits attributable to their exact chemical structure. Del-Immune V Defense is a composition of structural fragments of the probiotic bacteria L. rhamnosus DV.

“The results of these studies are tremendous and will positively impact the millions of people worldwide who suffer from chronic metabolic disorders,” said Liubov Sichel, PhD, co-founder, CSO, and CEO of Stellar Biotics.

Type 2 Diabetes

In the clinical study on participants with type 2 diabetes, Sichel and colleagues examined the effectiveness and safety of a twice-daily oral dose of Del-Immune V Defense, in changing markers related to type 2 diabetes. These included: HbA1c, which indicates how much sugar is built up in the blood; fasting plasma glucose; activity of pancreatic beta cells which produce insulin; insulin sensitivity; and body measurements.

After three months of supplementation and a three-month washout period, the authors found that subjects which took the metabiotic had greater improvements in each of these parameters compared to a placebo group, which experienced worsening or minimal improvements in these parameters. On average, the treatment group also experienced an average weight loss of 7.45 pounds, while the placebo group experienced no change in weight. This included significantly larger decreases in BMI, waist circumference, total body fat, and visceral fat.

Fatty Liver Disease

The same researchers also conducted two randomized, controlled trials in 2024 examining potential impact of the metabiotic on fatty liver diseases, namely MASLD and NAFLD.

Researchers measured the subjects’ liver function by three parameters: density of liver fat fraction; hepatorenal index (HRI, which estimates excess fat in liver cells); and liver stiffness, which indicates scar tissue and damage. After three months, the metabiotic group had a significant improvement in all three parameters, with a decrease in liver fat and stiffness, indicating a slight regression in scarring. Meanwhile, the placebo group saw a smaller improvement or worsening of these parameters. Both groups received standard medical treatment in addition to either treatment or placebo.

“These studies reinforce that the probiotic-derived metabiotic supplement, Del-Immune V, can and should be used in tandem with conventional treatments for those with type 2 diabetes and fatty liver disease,” said Sichel. “It is safe, effective, and lacks side effects, and it is an ideal addition to the regimen of anyone looking to improve their overall health, including metabolic and mental.”

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