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OmegaQuant and Fatty Acid Research Institute to Host Virtual Symposium in February 2025 

Two-day event aims to educate healthcare providers about the benefits of fatty acids and fatty acid testing.

OmegaQuant, a leader in fatty acid testing, has partnered with the Fatty Acid Research Institute (FARI) to launch the inaugural Fatty Acid Symposium, which takes place virtually, Feb. 10-14, 2025. 

With the ultimate goal of educating healthcare providers (HCPs) about the benefits of fatty acids and fatty acid testing, this event will bring researchers together to discuss various aspects of the fatty acid field and highlight recent findings.

FARI features some of the leading researchers in the fatty acid field who are uniquely positioned to provide symposium attendees with the information they need to help guide their patients’ omega-3 use. To that end, the symposium will cover several topics that have clinical relevance in the areas of heart, brain, prenatal, fitness, mental, and overall health. 

OmegaQuant was founded by one of the most well-known researchers in fatty acid field — Dr. Bill Harris. In 2020, Harris established FARI as a consortium of fatty acid researchers that together have published more than 40 peer-reviewed papers since its founding — many in top-tier medical and scientific journals. 

Part of FARI’s mission is to educate HCPs so that they are armed with the most recent, relevant, accurate information about fatty acids. It is FARI’s hope that these practitioners will be able to use this information to help their patients make the most informed decisions when it comes to their use. 

The symposium’s presenter lineup includes:

  • Dr. Bill Harris (20 Years of the Omega-3 Index & the Omega-3 Index & Longevity)
  • Dr. Kristina Harris Jackson (Optimizing DHA Levels Before, During & After Pregnancy)
  • Dr. Martha Belury (Demystifying Omega-6)
  • Dr. Jeff Heileson (Omega-3s for Fitness)
  • Dr. Joe Hibbeln (Omega-3 Levels & Psychiatric Disease)
  • Dr. Aleix Sala-Vila (Omega-3 Blood Levels & Dementia)
  • Dr. Frank Qian (Omega-3 & A-Fib)
  • Dr. James O’Keefe (Omega-3 Blood Levels & CVD Risk) and
  • Kelly Patterson (Using the Omega-3 Index to Calculate Omega-3 Dose)

“There is a lot of confusion and uncertainty these days around fatty acids and we feel it is our responsibility to make sure that healthcare providers are armed with the most current and accurate information,” said Harris. “Healthcare providers are the true gatekeepers of health information for patients, so making sure they have a full understanding of the power and potential of omega-3s is crucial.” 

“Currently, there is no event like this, which covers the specific topic of fatty acids and fatty acid testing for a healthcare provider audience. This will be a real deep dive for practitioners who talk to their patients about these important nutrients. And for those who don’t currently talk to them about omega-3s, we’re hoping this information gives them the confidence to do so. For these reasons, we expect a great turnout,” Dr. Harris added. 

Event Details

When: February 10-14, 2025; 2 sessions each day — 12-1 p.m. EST and 1:30-2:30 EST 

Where: Virtual symposium held via Zoom 

Who should attend? Healthcare providers & health-minded consumers 

What: 10 fatty acid topics | 5 days 

Registration Link

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