
Turmeric Extract by Givaudan Absorbed Effectively Across Multiple Supplement Formats: Study

Taking TurmiPure Gold across different applications delivered similar curcuminoid metabolite levels as capsules.

Photo: Yong Hian Lim | Adobe Stock

A turmeric ingredient marketed as TurmiPure Gold by Givaudan is absorbed at similar rates across different dietary supplement formats, according to a new study published in Food & Function.

In the randomized, crossover clinical study, 40 healthy participants between the ages of 18 and 45 consumed 300 mg of the turmeric ingredient in the form of capsules, ready-to-drink nectar, a sports nutrition bar, a dairy analogue, pectin gummies, and a probiotic drink. Samples were collected from participants over a 24-hour period to assess the level of curcuminoid metabolites in the blood.

The researchers found that the distribution and absorption of curcuminoids was equivalent or better than capsules across all dietary supplement formats, and formats with lipids in a suspended form or polar lipids appeared to enhance bioavailability.

Turmeric formulations often present challenges like high dosage requirements and poor solubility, Givaudan reported. But TurmiPure’s low daily dosage of 300 mg showed consistent results across the different applications tested.

Curcuminoids, the bioactive components of turmeric, have low water solubility and poor gastrointestinal absorption, Givaudan noted, and they are rapidly metabolized and eliminated from the body. Each of these factors contributes to low bioavailability, and while several approaches have been explored to enhance the absorption of curcuminoids, few studies investigate how the dietary supplement format can potentially impact those formulations.

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