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Released By Ingredia Inc

After many years of work, Ingredia researchers went on to develop an innovative process to reproduce the baby’s digestive mechanism. They used a well-known digestive enzyme – trypsin – to isolate the milk protein hydrolysate containing the bioactive peptide – alpha-casozepine – from casein.

Lactium® is your ally in any number of stressful situations; whether you are under pressure at work, having trouble sleeping, eating irregularly, suffering from mood swings while quitting smoking, when your libido is low or when you are having problems with your concentration or memory just before an exam.

Lactium® is a milk protein hydrolysate which contains a bioactive decapeptide with soothing properties. This peptide, also called α-casozepine, is produced from the milk protein thanks to a “food grade” tryptic hydrolysis. Lactium® decreases anxiety-related symptoms and helps consumers better manage their emotional state, whether it is induced by occasional or everyday anxiety.

As a natural ingredient, Lactium® can safely be used by the whole family. It has no side-effects, and is not addictive. Approved by numerous regulatory authorities around the world, it is produced according to strict specifications.

To restore a good level of cortisol, Lactium® can help you. Lactium® has showed effect on cortisol release. The blood cortisol level reduces significantly after an acute stress when you take lactium ®. Even with chronic anxiety, Lactium® reduces blood cortisol level in the morning which help you to better manage your day. Lactium® shows a protection from situations of psychological stress.

Lactium® has been clinically proven to decrease and modulate anxiety related problems, without side effects or toxicity. All of our clinical studies have been conducted according to the Good Practices and in agreement with official ethical committees.


Long before it reached the market, Lactium® was the subject of numerous assessments on toxicity or side effect according to OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) guidelines and Good Laboratory Practices. These demonstrated that Lactium® presents no health risks at the recommended doses: no undesirable side-effects, no acute or chronic toxity, no memory loss, no habituation, no addiction, no sedation, no disinhibition.

In April 2020, US FDA authorized 7 claims for Lactium®. The dietary supplements manufacturers featuring Lactium® in their products for adults will be able to communicate on the benefits of this unique bioactive. It is obviously a great recognition of the efficacy of Lactium® on stress and how it can really help people who have issues coping with stress.
It is used in numerous products in various forms, including capsules, tablets, powder, chewing gum and even in drinks.

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