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Majority of DHEA Supplements Pass Quality Test

Recent tests of DHEA supplements showed that most products contained their claimed amounts of the controversial ingredient, but one provided only 14.7% of its listed amount,, White Plains, NY, reported.

Recent tests of DHEA supplements showed that most products contained their claimed amounts of the controversial ingredient, but one provided only 14.7% of its listed amount,, White Plains, NY, reported.

Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), a steroid hormone now banned from use by certain athletic organizations and not permitted to be sold in Canada without a prescription, has been touted for its potential to “reverse the aging process” and “increase strength.”’s new Product Review of DHEA Supplements reviews these claims as well as the quality of products on the market. Sales of DHEA were $55 million in 2009, up 10% from the prior year according to Nutrition Business Journal.

“Levels of DHEA decrease with age, which is why it has been promoted as a ‘fountain of youth,’” said Tod Cooperman, MD, president of “Several studies have shown that it does not improve strength or general well-being in seniors. But DHEA may improve skin condition, sexual function and libido, and osteoporosis in older individuals.”

However, Dr. Cooperman warned that, “DHEA has potential side effects and should be used with caution.” In addition to testing the quality of DHEA supplements, compared the cost to obtain an equal amount (25 mg) of DHEA from the products that passed testing. The cost ranged from 4 cents to as much as 46 cents. Had the product that failed testing contained its listed amount of DHEA, it would have been the most economical product (3 cents per 25 mg of DHEA). However, based on the amount of DHEA actually found, the cost was 23 cents. “If the price of a supplement seems too good to be true, be wary of it,” Dr. Cooperman added.

The report provides results for 12 products, of which selected 10. Two products were tested at the request of their manufacturers/distributors through CL’s Voluntary Certification Program and are included for having passed testing. Also listed is one product similar to another that passed testing but sold under a different brand name.

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