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ABC Published the 500th Issue of HerbClip

HerbClip provides members with reviews of clinical research, regulation, market information, and conservation and sustainability developments.

The nonprofit American Botanical Council (ABC), Austin, TX, has published the 500th issue of HerbClip. HerbClips are two-to-three-page summaries and critical reviews of seminal articles covering medicinal plant-related clinical research, regulation, market information, and conservation and sustainability developments.
HerbClip summaries and critical reviews typically are based upon human clinical trials, systematic reviews and meta-analyses of such clinical trials, as well as other articles dealing with ethnobotany, conservation and sustainability, quality control, and regulation of herbs and medicinal botanical products. These articles are drawn from a wide variety of peer-reviewed scientific and medical journals, monographs, government documents, and special reports. In addition to summarizing the original article, a HerbClip may include insights, perspectives, criticism, and/or links to other articles and issues.
 “ABC is proud to have sent out our 500th issue of our unique HerbClips,” said ABC founder and executive director Mark Blumenthal, who also serves as HerbClip’s editor-in-chief. “Many of ABC’s members tell us that they find the extensive research information in HerbClip to be one of the most useful and unique benefits of ABC membership.”

“HerbClip has changed and grown tremendously over its 20+ years,” said HerbClip managing editor Lori Glenn. “For more than a decade, it has been my privilege to help instigate this growth and to be part of the transformations, both big and small, that have occurred. I am grateful that ABC provides such a concise and easily accessible learning opportunity for both professionals and laypersons.”

“As we move forward toward the next 500 issues of HerbClip,” said Mr. Blumenthal, “this is an appropriate time to acknowledge Lori Glenn for her many years of excellent service to ABC and the herbal community at large for her diligent work in helping to spread news about recent research in herbs, phytomedicines, and other beneficial plants and their preparations. We also thank the many HerbClip writers, editors, and hundreds of peer reviewers from the ABC Advisory Board and many others who have contributed to HerbClip’s growth and success. This certainly includes ABC staff member Tamarind Reaves, HerbClip assistant editor, who has meticulously edited HerbClip since 2009.”

He also added that ABC is particularly grateful to HerbClip writers Heather Oliff, PhD, Risa Schulman, PhD, Shari Henson, and Mariann Garner-Wizard, all of whom have worked on writing and/or editing HerbClip for more than 10 years, as well as Dennis Awang, PhD; Francis Brinker, ND; and ABC Board of Trustees Chair Steven Foster for their long-term service to ABC as valued HerbClip editors.

HerbClip summaries and reviews are available online through the ABC website,

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