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GNC Makes a Play for First Super Bowl Ad

Advertisement campaign to reinforce company’s rebrand as One New GNC.

Vitamin and supplements brand GNC Holdings, Inc., Pittsburgh, PA, will for the first time advertise in the Super Bowl, scheduled for Feb. 5, 2017. The commercial, along with associated placements and promotions, will coincide with the upcoming relaunch of the brand as One New GNC. The company will close all U.S. corporate stores on Dec. 28 and reopen Dec. 29 as One New GNC, with what it intends to be a dramatically improved customer experience and a new business model built around consumer preferences.

“The decision to make the substantial investment in Super Bowl advertising and promotions reflects our commitment to raise awareness of the One New GNC and invite consumers back into our stores,” said Bob Moran, GNC’s interim CEO. “Done right, a Super Bowl advertising strategy, and the subsequent campaign that follows with the investment, has the power to drive significant interest in the brand, encourage trial and do it much, much more quickly than we could with a traditional advertising plan.”

“The Super Bowl strategy will build awareness of GNC as a partner in the healthy lifestyle journey of Americans, whether they are looking to maximize their sports performance and fitness, maintain a healthy weight or achieve and sustain general wellness,” said Jeffrey Hennion, executive vice president, chief marketing and e-commerce officer for GNC. “While the One New GNC is backed by robust marketing aimed at our core consumer, our detailed analysis shows that, as we fundamentally shift our business model and our offering, the Super Bowl can deliver an attractive return on investment.”

Full details of the GNC ad and its supporting initiatives have not yet been disclosed.

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