
Digestive Ingredient Solutions

A brief overview of ingredients formulated for GI support.

A variety of digestive complaints and instances of more complicated gastrointestinal (GI) issues are on the rise, including digestive intolerances to gluten and lactose. When the digestive ability is impaired, the result is often felt as pain, discomfort, or as abnormal emissions (gaseous and in fecal matter). 

Nutraceutical ingredient suppliers continue to study how compounds of natural origin may positively impact digestive issues and promote digestive health and wellness. What follows is a representative sampling of what is available for formulas and functional foods/beverages that help consumers support healthy digestive function. Please refer to our December issue’s “International Buyer’s Guide,” for many more.
Xsto Solutions, Morristown, NJ

PepZin GI:While most digestive aids focus either on suppressing or neutralizing stomach acid, Zinc-Carnosine is unique in that it supports the natural cytoprotective mechanisms without interfering in the normal digestive process (i.e. acid suppression), according to Dan Murray, vice president business development at Xsto Solutions.
Based upon a series of animal studies, Zinc-Carnosine has been shown to reduce the inflammatory cascade that follows irritation and injury to the stomach lining. This includes a blunting of genetic pro-inflammatory signaling and of the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines.  Additional research studies show Zinc-Carnosine appears to slowly release free zinc and L-carnosine within the stomach’s cellular space. These studies have demonstrated antioxidant and membrane stabilizing effects, while at the same time confirming Zinc-Carnosine provides a highly bioavailable source of elemental zinc.
When the product is released in the stomach, it is believed to adhere to an existing wound on the stomach lining. A study by Furata et al. showed via radioisotope identification that chelated Zinc-Carnosine stayed in the stomach twice as long (two hours) as a physical mixture of zinc and L-carnosine similarly tagged, supporting the theory of local adherence to an ulcerated area.
Specifically, one study looked at symptoms and various food and beverages that caused patients discomfort. It is unique in that it looked at symptom benefit at days 3, 7 and 14 with doses at 75 mg/day (37.5 mg twice daily) and 150 mg/day (75 mg twice daily), the same dose levels we promote for supplement use.  Improvements in symptom relief were swift with 46% at day 3 for 75 mg (40% for 150 mg); 74% at day 7 with 75 mg (78% at 150 mg) and 85% at day 14 with 75 mg (88% at 150 mg).  At day 14, those who reported “disappearance of heartburn,” at 75 mg a day was 61.3%, and 75% at150 mg.
While many products reduce or neutralize stomach acid to obtain symptomatic relief, PepZin GI works with the natural defense mechanism of the digestive system supporting the mucosal lining. The human body needs acid to kill harmful bacteria and digest food;  therefore, suppressing acid is not a suitable solution. Over a dozen human studies confirm PepZin GI offers significant and consistent support for a host of digestive issues.  Additionally the FDA allows the claim “For occasional heartburn relief.”
Institut Rosell-Lallemand, Montreal, QC, Canada
Probio-Stick: According to Dip et al in their study, “Probiotic food supplement reduces stress-induced gastrointestinal symptoms in volunteers: a double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized trial” (Nut Res, vol 28, issue 1, Jan 2008; 1-5), stress induces various disorders with gastrointestinal, physical, and psychological symptoms. The double-blind, placebo-controlled, randomized study investigated the effects of a probiotic preparation (Probio-Stick) on stress-induced symptoms in volunteers, who received either the Pribio-Stick containing Lactobacillus acidophilus Rosell-52 and Bifidobacterium longum Rosell-175 (3 × 109 colony-forming units per sachet stick) or a sensorially identical placebo without probiotics for three weeks. The consumption of probiotics significantly reduced two stress-induced gastrointestinal symptoms – abdominal pain and nausea/vomiting – for intention-to-treat or per-protocol populations. In contrast, the probiotics did not significantly modify the other physical and psychological symptoms and sleep problems induced by stressful life events for intention-to-treat or per-protocol populations. The results indicate that Probio-Stick can provide a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal symptoms experienced by individuals affected by chronic stress.
Lactobacillus plantarum 299V: To assess the efficacy of Lactobacillus plantarum 299V (LP299V) in 40 patients with IBS, they were randomized to receive either LP299V in liquid suspension (20 patients) or placebo (20 patients) for four weeks. Clinical examination was performed at baseline and at the end of the study. Additionally, patients assessed their symptoms by applying a scoring system. All patients treated with LP299V reported resolution of their abdominal pain as compared to 11 patients from a placebo group (P = 0.0012). There was also a trend towards normalization of stools frequency in constipated patients in six out of 10 patients treated with LP299V compared with two out of 11 treated with placebo (P = 0.17). With regards to all IBS symptoms an improvement was noted in 95% of patients in the LP299V group vs 15% of patients in the placebo group (P < 0.0001).
Danisco USA Inc., Madison, WI
HOWARU®: Danisco’s line of premium probiotics are positioned for digestive comfort (pain, bloating, gas), transit, GI defense (pathogen challenges, antibiotic therapy), and general digestive health (microflora modulation).
Colonic transit time and digestive symptoms improved by daily consumption of probiotic strain Bifidobacterium lactis HN019™.A collaborative study by Danisco and Fonterra Co-operative Group on the effects of B. lactis HN019 on colonic transit time (CTT) and digestive symptoms has just been published in the Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology. The results of this study found that daily HOWARU® Bifido (B. lactis HN019) supplementation decreases CTT and improves functional gastrointestinal symptoms in otherwise healthy adults. This study showed Level 1 evidence that a probiotic can boost transit time.  “Level 1” evidence refers to the top level in scientific evidence-based medicine, meaning it provides evidence from a properly designed randomized controlled trial.
L. acidophilus NCFM® and B. lactis Bi-07™: Danisco probiotics have also been shown to reduce bloating in patients with Functional Bowel Disorders (FBDs).  A recent study, published in the Journal of Clinical Gastroenterology, supports the role of two Danisco probiotic strains in the management of FBDs. Over the past few years epidemiologic, physiological, and clinical data have provided evidence that the intestinal microbiota play an important role in maintaining normal gastrointestinal function. This first prospective study using a combination of L. acidophilus NCFM® and B. lactis Bi-07 showed significant improvement in abdominal bloating when the subjects received the probiotic blend.
Litesse® (polydextrose) soluble prebiotic fiber: Due to its complex structure, polydextrose is unique in that it is slowly and incompletely fermented throughout the colon. This leads to many positive benefits including keeping the colon at optimal pH, reducing carcinogenic compounds throughout the colon, and producing little or no gas (gas production can cause digestive health issues).  In contrast, Inulin and FOS are quickly and completely fermented in the early portion of the colon, which can result in significant gas production and cause digestive distress. Additionally with polydextrose, bowel function (e.g. transit and stool consistency) is improved. Longer term benefits are associated with reduction in the production of carcinogenic compounds produced and increased levels of beneficial bacteria that keep the colon healthy and strong.
National Starch Food Innovation, Bridgewater, NJ
NutraFlora short-chain fructo-oligosaccharides®: NutraFlora, a soluble prebiotic fiber, contains a minimum of 95% short-chain fructooligosaccharides (scFOS®) – the purest form of scFOS on the market.  The health benefits of NutraFlora are easily obtained with low inclusion levels, providing a cost effective way to add consumer friendly label claims.  NutraFlora is fermented by Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus, which produce biologically active short-chain fatty acids.  The fermentation of sc-FOS has been shown to increase gut integrity, enhance immunity through pathogen inhibition and maintaining the integrity of the mucosal barrier, reduce putrefactive substances, improve normal bowel function, and improve nutrient metabolism and absorption.
NutraFlora short-chain fructooligosaccharides are preferentially fermented by Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus species within the large intestine.  The fermentation of sc-FOS has been shown to increase gut integrity, enhance immunity through pathogen inhibition and maintaining the integrity of the mucosal barrier, reduce putrefactive substances, improve normal bowel function, and improve nutrient metabolism and absorption. Significant increases in Bifidobacteria and additional health benefits can be seen with as little as 1 gram scFOS per day.  A 2008 study involving 105 individuals with functional bowel disorders (abdominal bloating, rumbling, occasional constipation and/or diarrhea, abdominal pains and flatulence) found that regular consumption of 5 grams of NutraFlora scFOS significantly improved performance in daily activities and increased digestive comfort in a working population not undergoing medical treatment.  (Paineau D, et al, The effects of regular consumption of short-chain fructo-oligosaccharides on digestive comfort of subjects with minor functional bowel disorders,” British Journal of Nutrition (2008) 99:311-318) 
Purimune® short-chain galacto-oligosaccharides: Purimune, a soluble fermentable fiber, contains 90% galactooligosaccharides – the purest form of GOS on the market.  Purimune supports immune system health by nourishing the growth of beneficial microflora in the colon and shielding against pathogen adhesion in the gut.  GOS is the 3rd largest component of human breast milk. Recent studies (see above) have shown that GOS supports a healthy digestive tract and promotes a healthy immune system.
A newly published 2011 study found that students consuming short-chain galacto-oligosaccharides (Puimuneä) during times of stress (undergoing finals) experienced 40% fewer colds and flu compared to students consuming sucrose.  They also had fewer gastrointestinal distress symptoms (diarrhea, constipation, abdominal pain and indigestion.) (Hughes C, Davoodi-Semiromi Y, Colee JC, Culpepper T, Dahl WJ, Mai V, Christman MCC, Langkamp-Henken B. Galactooligosaccharide supplementation reduces stress-induced gastrointestinal dysfunction and days of cold or flu: a randomized, double-blind, controlled trial in healthy university students. AJCN Jun 2011; 93(6): 1305-11. (doi: 10.3945/ajcn.111.014126)). 
Nutriose® resistant dextrin:   Nutriose, a soluble prebiotic fiber, contains 85% soluble fiber from dextrins extracted from wheat or corn.  Nutriose is highly process tolerant and is fermented by the intestinal flora as a prebiotic fiber.  Recent studies have shown that Nutriose is fermented by beneficial colonic Lactobacilli and Saccharolytic flora to produce short chain fatty acids in the colon. Fermentation also results in decreases in colonic and fecal pH, and a decrease in pathogenic Clostridium perfringens.
Sabinsa Corporation, East Windsor, NJ
Saberry™: Amla fruit has been traditionally used as a digestive aid in India. It also forms an important constituent of Triphala, a classic and widely used Ayurvedic preparation recognized for its role in supporting digestive functions. Several studies have confirmed that Amla, due to its antioxidant activity, potentially helps to protect the digestive tract against the development of ulcers. Amla is also reported to have anti-bacterial and astringent properties that potentially support the management of infections and help in the healing of ulcers. Researchers demonstrated the gastro-protective effects of Amla in vivo in rats. The ethanolic extract of Amla was reported to offer protection against ethanol induced depletion of stomach mucus, and reduction in non-protein sulphydryl concentration. These results indicate that Amla extract offers antisecretory, antiulcer, and cytoprotective properties.
Saberry, trademarked as an ORAC Dense Phytonutrient, is standardized to contain a minimum of 10% β‐glucogallin and 50% gallates. It is the result of efforts to prepare an authenticated Amla extract, standardized using a valid biomarker, β-glucogallin. In‐house studies revealed that β-glucogallin is a more powerful antioxidant molecule, as compared to ascorbic acid.
Ginger Extract: Ginger is an herbal ingredient in the management of digestive disorders and motion sickness. Ginger constituents may increase gastric motility and prevent the accumulation of toxic substances, thereby blocking the gastrointestinal reactions which trigger the nausea feedback. Ginger produces anti-motion sickness action probably through anti-cholinergic and antihistaminic effects. Several studies have evaluated ginger’s effectiveness in preventing motion sickness or sea sickness and the potential mechanisms for this effect. Sabinsa Corporation has three different grades of Ginger Extract from dried rhizomes of Zingiber officinale– Ginger extract (5% Gingerols), Ginger SCFE 20% (20% Gingerols) and Ginger SCFE 35% (35% Gingerols).
FenuFibers®: The cleansing effect of FenuFibers®is thought to be due to the formation of a colloidal-type suspension in the stomach and intestines when the mucilaginous fiber is hydrated, contributing to a feeling of fullness and slowing gastric emptying. Insoluble fibers in the intestine provide bulk and roughage to carry toxins and undigested materials, while the soluble fiber fraction swells and slows transit time. This allows more time for digested food to be absorbed by the body. Additionally, laboratory studies show that FenuFibers® is only minimally digested by intestinal bacteria, a property that helps in reducing flatulence and bloating that is sometimes associated with fiber supplements. FenuFibers® is the standardized extract from the seeds of Trigonella foenum-graecum (Fenugreek) containing a minimum 50% of Total Dietary Fibers.
DigeZyme®: DigeZyme® is a combination of various enzymes that help in proper digestion and better absorption of food. This “multi-enzyme complex” consists of amylase (starch hydrolyzing enzyme), protease (protein hydrolyzing enzyme), lipase (fat hydrolyzing enzyme), cellulase (hydrolyzes cellulose) and lactase (hydrolyzes lactose). DigeZyme® consists of GMO-free broad acting enzymes obtained from the fermentation process. This group of enzymes is resistant to the action of gastric juices, while retaining their digestive activity. It has also been clinically evaluated for enhanced absorption of minerals and vitamins.
LactoSpore®:Bacillus coagulans, formerly known as Lactobacillus sporogenes (LactoSpore®) is a shelf stable (at room temperature) probiotic, with clinically documented efficacy in supporting health and wellness. It produces the beneficial L (+) form of lactic acid in the gastrointestinal tract, and supports digestive health and immune functions. Being in sporulated form, the culture survives and proliferates in the gastrointestinal environment unlike vegetative cells that may be destroyed under these conditions.
Gnosis USA, Inc., Doylestown, PA
Biooptima™ is a range of proprietary probiotic strains. Saccharomyces boulardii taken orally produces lactic acid and some B vitamins as it becomes established. During use, friendly probiotic bacteria are allowed to colonize in the GI tract making Saccharomyces boulardii particularly beneficial in balancing intestinal microbiology. It is then eliminated after supplementation is stopped.
L. acidophilus is a gram-positive, rod shaped bacterium, producer of D-L lactic acid. It shows several well-characterized and specific biological activities; it fights harmful bacteria and fungi (Salmonella spp, E.coli,S.aureus and Candida albicans) through a production of natural antibiotic Acidophilin and helps digestive functions through hydrolysis of milk proteins, fat and lactose, thus decreasing the incidence of intolerance diseases due to enzymes production. It is known to adsorb on its surface harmful molecules such as mycotoxins, bisphenol, and heavy metals, facilitating their excretion and suppressing adverse health effects, operating a unit of toxin decontamination.

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