
Skin Revitalization—from the Inside Out

All Beauty water delivers hydration along with a healthful dose of nutrients.

Composed of 55-65% water, the human body requires daily hydration for survival as well as proper maintenance. Skin, being composed of nearly 64% water, also needs hydration to maintain its health and appearance.
How does one quench both of these needs on a daily basis? One way is to guzzle lots of water, slap on an occlusive lotion and pop some skin-loving supplements. Another, simpler way, is to chug a single serving of All Beauty Water.
The formula is said to contain eight “skinvitamins” and seven “skinnutrients” per serving. The zero-calorie, sugar-free concoction includes an assortment of vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that were all selected based on research showing their own positive effects on skin, according to Camille Varlet, CEO and founder of All Beauty Water.
“With the proper incorporation, these ingredients promote synergism. Water promotes hydrated skin, removes toxins from the body, and delivers oxygen and nutrients to the body,” she explained. “The water is a critical part of the product—it transports the nutrients. Taken without water, they are not as effective.”
A few of these vitamins and nutrients include: vitamins A, C, D, B6, B12, biotin, selenium, green tea extract, calcium and zinc.
All Beauty Water differentiates itself from other products on the market in several ways. According to Ms. Varlet, “We are a skin care drink, all of the ingredients in our product hydrate and nourish the skin. Plus, we are doing it with no sugar,” something, she stated, that competitors have failed to replicate to this point.
No Sugar Wanted…or Added
Ms. Varlet’s concept got its start in school. While studying for her MBA from Columbia University, she listened to her classmates complain about their skin issues, such as dryness, acne and wrinkles and wondered what it was that caused these effects and how they could be remedied. She realized that a big issue is hydration. Later, Ms. Varlet learned that sugar, once ingested, breaks down the collagen within skin tissue, thereby causing wrinkles. It just so happened that these college classmates of hers were drinking sodas as they complained about their skin woes.
After working as a brand manager at Dannon, where she helped develop the Oikos Greek yogurt line, Ms. Varlet moved on to the cosmetics industry to work on the L’Oreal Paris brand. Both experiences gave her the education and insight necessary to develop a product line of her own. She left L’Oréal to work at American Express and spent nights and weekends developing the All Beauty concept.
All Beauty Water hit the market in September 2013 and, it wasn’t too long before it began demanding all of her time. She recalled, “It started selling and I needed to devote myself 300% to it.” By April of 2014, she left American Express to work full time with her own business.
Headquartered in New York City, All Beauty Water’s design and logo were created by Ms. Varlet’s brother, a graphic designer. The products are packaged in a co-packing bottling facility in New Jersey, while the finished products are warehoused in Manhattan, Florida and Amazon Fulfillment Centers.
Without a degree in chemistry or food science, Ms. Varlet hired a beverage lab to create the specific formulations she wanted. Once the formulations were devised, she sent out orders to her different suppliers for the pre-blended, vitamin and mineral mixes according to her formulary specifications. Those suppliers, according to Ms. Varlet, are mostly located in the Northeast, with one or two in the Midwest.
The initial line-up included two flavors: Pomegranate Rose and Cucumber Aloe. At the urging of a distributor, she added a third, Strawberry Açai, to enhance shelf appearance. Despite the expansion, Varlet still plays favorites.
“[The original two] have a special place in my heart, but all three are my kids,” she explained.
Broader Distribution & Product Offerings
Initially, All Beauty Water was made available for purchase at a café in Reebok Sports Club—now Equinox Sports Club—as well as in Battery Place Market, both located in New York City. By November the year following product launch (2014), the product became available on Amazon. Currently, it is available throughout select stores in Manhattan (including those original two locations) and Florida, as well as on Amazon.com and AllBeautyWater.com at approximately $2.99 per unit.
“We want to challenge people to stop thinking of skin health from a topical point of view,” explained Ms. Varlet. “Our objective is to change peoples’ mindset to, ‘healthy equals beautiful’—both will show through your skin. We are taking an approach to beauty from inside out; the key is not any one product or vitamin, but rather, it is an overall lifestyle choice … that requires thinking of beauty from a 360-degree point of view.”
Looking ahead, Ms. Varlet plans to grow her business in the natural grocery channels. She also sees a lot of opportunity to grow her business in the health and wellness market, specifically in spas and gyms. In addition to expanding distribution, she plans to add more flavors to her growing family within the next few months. 

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