Products & Ingredients

Purified Ginseng Product

Blue California has been appointed the exclusive distributor of a highly purified ginseng extract called GinsenPure Quintozene-Free. Because ginseng is susceptible to rot, many farmers have had to use pesticides, including quintozene, to protect it, according to the company. The FDA, however, has not established a tolerance level for quintozene in ginseng and oversaw confiscation of a ginseng shipment containing quintozene in the past year. The FDA also issued a nationwide warning to consumers about the possibility of quintozene in some batches of imported ginseng. Blue California claims some cultivators have not changed their growing techniques to accommodate FDA’s zero tolerance of quintozene, so it has been difficult for companies to find sources of quintozene-free ginseng.

For further information: 949-635-1990.

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