Products & Ingredients

Water-Soluble Astaxanthin Emulsion

Algatechnologies has developed a 2% natural astaxanthin in a unique liquid-emulsion format under the AstaPure brand name. Natural astaxanthin is a lipid-soluble ingredient and can usually used in oil-based formulations. However, due to its extremely powerful antioxidant properties, there is a high demand in the market for a water-soluble form that can be introduced in “oil-in-water” cosmetics formulations and as an active functional ingredient for beverages. The astaxanthin emulsion is produced under patent-protected, ISO- and GMP-certified technology. It is a ready-to-use formulation and can be introduced into liquid-filled capsules or any other water-soluble application. Its unique technology is based on food-grade, 100%-water-soluble micelles, allowing the production of a highly stable product form with respect to pH and temperature. The micelles have a diameter of approximately 30 nm. For further information:

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