
ENI Sees Opportunity in the Vegetarian & Non-GMO Segments

Vegetarian and vegan consumers make up a uniquely health-focused audience.

The vegetarian and vegan market has evolved from niche to mainstream, according to ENI (Ethical Naturals Inc.), San Anselmo, CA, creating a significant and rapidly growing consumer group that is perhaps more focused than any other on health and wellness. At the same time, Americans across the demographics of the baby-boom generation are beginning to confront the facts of aging, such as the need to support healthy cartilage for supple, pain-free joints.
ENI CEO Cal Bewicke said, “By satisfying the demands of the rapidly growing vegetarian-aware and GMO-apprehensive markets, we have the potential to transform supplement manufacturers into an emerging growth market opportunity. The secret lies in clean-label, vegetarian formulations that avoid GMO ingredients. Incorporating USP-grade, GMO-free, vegetable-source GreenGrown Glucosamine into your supplements affords you a market advantage in connecting with these sizeable and important audiences. GreenGrown is the ideal glucosamine ingredient for consumers.”







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