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IFT Annual Meeting

July 13 - 16, 2025
Chicago, IL
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IFT Annual Meeting

Bioenergy to Offer Sustainable Energy Solutions

Ribose delivers functional benefits for fatigued consumers.

Booth 4401

Bioenergy Life Science, Inc. (BLS) will offer new ideas for product innovation along with prototypes that include the company’s patented and clinically studied Bioenergy Ribose at IFT17 Booth 4401.

Growing numbers of consumers report that fatigue and the drain of everyday life is a general problem. They’re searching for more natural, beneficial and sustainable energy, rather than energy stimulants and sugars. The functional benefits of Bioenergy Ribose complement what consumers are searching for, according to BLS. Its slightly sweet taste allows for easy incorporation into the formulations of a variety of food and beverage products.

Caffeine and sugars act as stimulants, but then cause users to crash. While most sugars (fructose, sucrose and glucose) fuel energy recycling, Bioenergy Ribose drives sustainable energy and energy replenishment by making energy compounds and keeping them in muscle cells. It also does not raise blood sugar levels like most sugars and has a negative glycemic index.

Bioenergy Ribose has undergone years of extensive clinical testing and has been proven effective as a functional ingredient by providing:

  • Faster energy recovery
  • Increased energy reserves
  • Essentials for the formation of ATP in skeletal and cardiac tissue
  • Maintenance of healthy energy levels in heart and muscle
  • Energy regeneration. 

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